by Herbert W. Armstrong
1976 edition
Here is a bombshell
of truth almost no one has understood. The world's evils are attributed to human
nature. But are babies born with this selfish, evil nature?
I OVERHEARD one say: Just look at that beautiful, sweet little baby --
and to think it's filled with all that evil, despicable human nature!"
But was it?
Think of this paradox! How can it be explained? The
human mind can produce wonders. We have sent successive teams of men to walk on
the moon. We have returned them safely through the earth's atmosphere.
Yet these marvelous human minds cannot solve our problems here on earth
-- cannot bring the world PEACE! WHY?
All the violence, war, crime,
corruption, dishonesty, and immorality is blamed on HUMAN NATURE. But where did
HUMAN NATURE come from? Did the Creator instill it within us from creation? Were
we born with it? Why, as the Bible says, is the heart deceitful above all
things? (Jer. 17:9). Did God create in us a nature that "is enmity [hostile]
against God"? (Rom. 8:7.)
The answer requires a knowledge of the
composition and nature of the human mind -- accessible only by revelation. WHY
does such wonderful MIND power work so much evil?
Did an all-loving,
all-merciful, almighty GOD deliberately plague the human race He created with an
inborn nature of vanity, lust, and greed -- with a heart of hostility against
God, of deceit, envy, jealousy, and hatred?
Adam at Creation
Few indeed know what a human being really is, HOW we humans came to be
here on earth, the real human potential, where we are going, or what is the WAY.
In preceding writings I have shown what caused God to create man, why we
came to be put on earth, the real PURPOSE for human life, the AWESOME human
potential. Yet we humans seem to be cursed with this evil human nature!
In this booklet I want to show what is the real source of this evil
nature -- why the human mind works as it does. The Bible is our source.
So first, let's see what is revealed about the first man, Adam, and his
nature at the time of his creation.
The Bible reveals only the most
brief high points of human history for the first two thousand-plus years -- a
third of all the time from the creation of man to now! Only eleven chapters are
devoted to the history of that span of time. The account of the first created
couple is merely the briefest possible summary.
The first humans were
the last act of creation on the sixth day of what is commonly called "creation
week," recorded in the first chapter of Genesis.
God had created plant
life -- the flora -- on the third day of that week, animal life -- the fauna --
on the fifth and sixth, each reproducing "after its own kind." Cattle reproduced
after the cattle kind (verse 25), lions after the lion kind, horses after the
horse kind, etc.
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our
In other words, "Let us make MAN after the GOD kind!" God was
actually reproducing Himself!
And notice, the name God -- the Hebrew
name as originally written throughout Genesis 1, is Elohim. It is a uniplural
noun, like family, group, church. It is ONE family composed of more than one
person. It is like one team, one church, but each composed of multiple persons.
The God to whom Jesus prayed is the FATHER of the FAMILY that is GOD. God IS a
FAMILY -- but ONE family, ONE GOD.
"So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them." WHY?
Because human reproduction is the type of God's reproducing Himself. And
physical reproduction requires both male and female.
But continue: "And
God blessed them ...." Did He bless them by creating in them an evil sinful
nature, utterly unable to be subject to God's right way of life? But continue
this passage: '... and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and
replenish the earth" (Gen. 1:28).
"And God saw every thing that he had
made, and behold, it was very good" (verse 31). If the first humans -- as God
had created them -- were VERY GOOD, could it include a hostile and evil nature
that was very BAD?
That ought to give every reader something to think
No Rebellion
Now what does this record of the
creation of the first humans reveal as to Adam's nature at the time of his
creation? I repeat: Only the very most brief high spots are recorded here. The
little that is revealed gives us, however, all we really need to know.
Here it is: "And out of the ground the Eternal God formed every beast of
the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he
would call them ..." (Gen. 2:19).
Here, in the briefest of summaries, we
may see clearly whether this short account reveals a rebellious and disobedient
nature in Adam, or one of compliance and obedience.
Absolutely NO
REBELLION is indicated here. We find, instead, the response that Adam gave names
to all cattle, to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field.
This incident reveals Adam's attitude and nature as he was created,
PRIOR TO his temptation by Satan (which is recorded in chapter 3). Notice
carefully. Absolutely NOTHING in the account of this pre-temptation incident
indicates in Adam the presence of an evil, hostile, rebellious attitude or
nature. It does not reflect a heart that is deceitful above all things and
desperately wicked, as human nature is described (Jeremiah 17:9), nor a carnal
mind that is enmity (hostile) against God and which "is not subject to the law
of God, neither indeed can be" (Rom. 8:7).
Nor, on the other hand, does
it reveal a nature filled with the Spirit of God. Adam had not yet been
confronted by Satan, had not disobeyed, nor had he taken of the "tree of life"
to receive the indwelling LOVE and POWER of God's Holy Spirit, which would have
imparted the DIVINE NATURE (II Peter 1:4).
So prior to the temptation by
Satan, we have only the revelation that Adam's NATURE, as God created him, was
not evil, hostile and diabolical. There may have been the physical and mental
nature of self-preservation and such things. But NOT the evil nature of
We need to realize that God created Adam and the
human race for a PURPOSE. We need to have clearly in mind, at this point, WHAT
that purpose is.
A Super King
Angels had inhabited
this planet before the creation of man (II Peter 2:4-6). These angels had
sinned. God had set over them a king -- Lucifer, a super archangel -- to govern
them with the GOVERNMENT OF GOD (Isa. 14:12-15; Ezek. 28:11-17).
super king, Lucifer, was, of all created beings, supreme in created perfection
(Ezek. 28:12,15). But, remember, holy and righteous CHARACTER is something that
cannot be created in one instantaneously by fiat. It must be developed in an
independent entity through a process in which one comes to recognize the right
way from the wrong, to choose the right and reject the wrong even against self
The great Lucifer and the angels who followed him (apparently a
third of all angels) were originally created as holy beings, composed of spirit,
immortal. But in order that they have personality and individuality as
independent beings, it was necessary that they be provided with faculties for
knowing, thinking, reasoning, and making their own decisions and choices.
These angels followed their king Lucifer in the decision to turn from
and rebel against the GOVERNMENT OF God -- God's WAY OF LIFE. That is THE WAY OF
LOVE -- outgoing concern for the good of others -- the way of humility,
obedience to and love for their MAKER, of giving, serving, cooperating, and
sharing. They turned to THE WAY of vanity, lust and greed, of rebellion,
jealousy and envy, of competition, strife and violence, of resentment,
bitterness and destruction. Obviously the other two thirds of the angels and
archangels have remained holy, loyal, and obedient to God's government.
God's Purpose
But now, to carry out God's purpose for
the inhabitants of this earth, to accomplish the grand and awesome PURPOSE
throughout the entire universe that could have been theirs, GOD IS REPRODUCING
The super archangel Lucifer was the
supreme pinnacle of God's creative power in a created being. When he turned to
rebellion, it left ONLY GOD Himself who could be utterly relied on NEVER to
deviate from God's WAY -- God's GOVERNMENT. It is impossible for God to sin --
because he WILL NOT! It now became God's purpose to reproduce Himself through
human beings.
That required the development in human beings of God's own
holy, righteous character. It was necessary, for this purpose, that man be
composed of physical matter, that he CHOOSE God's government, reject Lucifer's
(now Satan's) self-centered rebellious way, and strive to overcome it. God's
PURPOSE in having put humans on earth can be achieved only by man coming to
choose God's GOVERNMENT as God s way of life -- to reject with utter finality
Satan's way, completely overcoming it.
So God created MAN out of
physical matter. God created in man a MIND like God's, though of course
inferior, because it was composed of physical brain, empowered with intellect by
a human spirit (essence) in each.
Although the holy and righteous
CHARACTER to be developed within man must actually come from God, each human
must make his own decision. He must make his own choice to reject Satan's WAY,
and to obey God's government.
Adam's Choice
Adam was
compelled, therefore, to make the choice. God purposely allowed Satan
opportunity to confront Adam with his way of rebellion. But He did NOT allow
Satan to get to Adam first. God Himself instructed Adam in GOD'S way -- the way
of the GOVERNMENT OF GOD based on the LAW OF GOD, just as Lucifer and his angels
had been first instructed in the ways of THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD.
Then God
allowed Satan to confront Adam. Satan got to Adam through his wife. Satan subtly
deceived Eve into DISBELIEVING what God had taught them. Adam followed her in
choosing rebellion and rejecting God's rule and government over them. They took
to themselves the knowledge of what is good and what is evil -- deciding for
themselves right from wrong.
Then, something happened to the minds of
Adam and Eve -- the eyes of both of them were opened (Gen. 3:7). The spirit and
attitude of rebellion had entered their minds. Their minds (hearts) now had
become perverted -- deceitful and desperately wicked.
THEM CAME FROM SATAN, NOT FROM GOD! They were NOT created with this evil nature.
But how did humanity, today, come to have this evil attitude we call
"HUMAN Nature"? Did the children of Adam and Eve inherit it from them? Or, was
it passed on by heredity?
Let me give you an example of heredity. God
put Adam to sleep and removed one of his ribs, out of which He made Eve. Do all
men today find themselves short one rib by heredity? Of course not. Acquired
characteristics are not passed on by heredity.
Evil Nature by
Adam and Eve chose and acquired the "nature" or attitude
of sin from Satan. It was not passed on by heredity. Jesus Christ called their
second son "righteous Abel."
Then how do we humans come to have
(universally) this evil attitude we call human nature today?
It's partly
explained in the apostle Paul's second letter to the Corinthian church. He said
he desired to present that church "as a chaste virgin to Christ. BUT I fear,
lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your
minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ" (II Cor.
Satan was still around when Paul wrote. (The reason is
explained elsewhere.) The people at Corinth had not received this evil nature by
heredity. Rather, the apostle feared lest they (in this NEW Testament time)
should be beguiled into evil attitudes in the same manner as was the original
mother Eve -- directly by Satan.
Eve did not have a mind that was evil
before Satan came along and confronted her. But Satan, by subtlety, deceived
Eve. Eve's children were not born with this evil nature. Nor were the people of
the Corinthian church. But Paul feared lest Satan, still around after some 4,000
years, pervert Corinthian minds directly, as he had done to Eve.
was still around when Christ was born. He tried to destroy the Christ child by
having Him murdered. Satan was still around when Jesus was thirty and baptized.
And he tried to destroy Jesus spiritually then, in the temptation. As Satan
destroyed (spiritually) Adam, he tried to destroy the "second Adam." Satan is
still around TODAY!
But the wily Satan has succeeded in deluding many,
if not most, of the best minds into believing he is a nonexistent myth. The best
minds, unsuspecting, are deceived (Rev. 12:9).
Here is a truth you, the
reader, need to know!
Satan's Wavelength
To the
church at Ephesus, God said through the apostle Paul (Ephesians 2:1-2): "And you
[who] ... in time past ... walked according to the course of this world,
according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in
the children of disobedience ...."
GRASP IT! Satan is here called "the
prince of the power of the AIR!" I could not have understood that 60 years ago.
I did not then realize how communication by sound and by picture can be
broadcast instantaneously through the air.
I have stressed the point
that Satan, the former great archangel cherub Lucifer, was the most perfect and
powerful being that God could create as an individual being. He was perfect as
originally created. But he is composed of spirit, and thus he is invisible to
human eyes.
This great and powerful being, even though evil, has power
literally to surcharge the air around this earth. HE BROADCASTS!
Wherever you are as you read these words, chances are there are voices
and perhaps music in the air around you. A radio or television set tuned to the
right wavelength would make them audible to you.
The spirit in every
human being is automatically tuned in on Satan's wavelength. You don't hear
anything because he does not broadcast in words -- nor in sounds, whether music
or otherwise. He broadcasts in ATTITUDES. He broadcasts in attitudes of
SELF-centeredness, lust, greed, vanity, jealousy, envy, resentment, competition,
strife, bitterness, and hate.
In a word, the selfishness, hostility,
deceitfulness, wickedness, rebellion, etc. that we call "Human NATURE' is
actually SATAN'S NATURE. It is Satan's ATTITUDE. And broadcasting it,
surcharging the air with it, Satan actually NOW WORKS IN the unsuspecting all
over the world today! That is HOW Satan deceives the whole world today (Rev.
12:9; 20:3). Being invisible, Satan is not seen by people.
This prince
of the power of the air -- this god of this world -- IS THE REAL SOURCE OF WHAT
Here is the real CAUSE of all the
world's evils!
But it seems nobody understands it, and therefore the
world does nothing about it -- except to go along with it, blaming human nature
and supposing it was GOD who created us with an evil nature. Actually, it is
Satan's nature.
Spirit Communication
Let me give you
an illustration of how we can be swayed, influenced, and driven Satan's wrong
way by his broadcasting through the air. When God wanted to cause captive Jews
in ancient Babylon to return to Jerusalem to build the second temple, He put it
in the mind of Cyrus, king of Persia. The Persian Empire had taken over the rule
of empire from Babylon. Following is the explanation of how God moved Cyrus to
do what God wanted.
"Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia ...
the Eternal stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a
proclamation throughout all his kingdom ..." (Ezra 1:1) that a contingent of
Jews return to Jerusalem.
God did not speak to Cyrus in words or direct
communication, as He talked with Moses and God's prophets. God reached Cyrus
through Cyrus' spirit. God stirred up his spirit, causing him to want to do it.
God did cause King Cyrus to know that in issuing this proclamation he was doing
it according to the will of God.
Utilizing this same principle, Satan,
prince of THE POWER OF THE AIR, stirs the spirits of humans, injecting into them
attitudes, moods, and impulses of selfishness, vanity, lust, and greed,
attitudes of resentment against authority, of jealousy and envy, of competition
and strife, of resentment and bitterness, of violence, murder, and war. People
do not recognize the source of these attitudes, feelings, motives, and impulses.
As I said, they do not SEE the invisible Satan. They hear no audible voice. They
do not know the attitude comes from Satan (Rev. 12:9). But they come to FEEL
such attitudes, impulses, and desires. That is how Satan DECEIVES THE WHOLE
Self-Centered Attitude
People will feel
depressed and won't realize why. But those unaware of this phenomenon, with this
self-centered attitude being broadcast and injected into their unsuspecting
minds from earliest childhood, do, to a greater or lesser degree, absorb it
until it becomes their normal attitude. It becomes habitual. It does not, of
course, exhibit the same degree of effect in all minds -- one person will become
more evil than another. But the natural tendency is there. They come to have it
naturally. It becomes their very NATURE. And we call it "human nature."
All this is an outstanding example of just how subtle Satan is! The
finest and most brilliant human minds have been deceived by it. Thus the WHOLE
WORLD has been swayed by Satan into what I often term, simply, the "GET" way of
life -- the way that has become HABITUAL and NATURAL which we term "HUMAN
Few realize how many passages in the Bible, especially in the
New Testament, warn us about Satan and his subtlety. But first, before I take
you to more of these, let us follow on through the 2nd chapter of Ephesians.
In chapter 1 of this letter to the church at Ephesus, the apostle Paul
gives thanks and praise to God who has blessed "us" (the converts at Ephesus and
Paul -- all Christians) with every spiritual blessing within the heavenly
sphere. God had chosen us before we were born -- before the foundation of the
world -- predestinated to be called to spiritual studentship. God has richly
lavished on us His grace. He shows that we being called in this time -- this New
Testament "church age" -- are the first to be called to this glorious grace
(emphasizing that this is NOT the time God is trying to save the world, but only
those predestined to be called NOW). Paul has heard of their faith and never
ceases to give thanks for it. He prays for their eyes to be opened fully to the
awesome human potential -- the supreme greatness of their divine heritage.
I urgently suggest the reader carefully read this first chapter in the
Moffatt translation. As translated by Moffatt I think it is one of the most
beautiful, uplifting, and inspiring pieces of literature I have ever read.
Power of the Air
Now the highlights of chapter 2: You
Christians at Ephesus were spiritually dead, but Christ has given you the
impregnation of eternal life. You are now spiritually alive. In the past you
lived according to the way of this world (the SELF centered way), according to
the PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR. In II Corinthians 4:4 Satan is called the
god of this world, who has blinded the minds of those who do not believe Christ
and His truth. NOT that they inherited this spiritual blindness -- but that
Satan blinded those living in that generation directly.
But here in
Ephesians 2 Satan is referred to as the PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR! Notice
the word POWER -- the POWER of the air. Then it calls him the SPIRIT (being)
that NOW -- the time when they were living -- actually was WORKING IN those of
the world who were not obedient -- that is, the world in general. The Phillips
translation in modern English renders this: "You [then] drifted along in the
stream of this world's ideas of living, and obeyed its unseen ruler [who is
still operating in those who do not respond to the truth of God]."
Emphatically this shows Satan is the UNSEEN one who, unrealized by the
people, is actually swaying their minds, leading them in what I term the "GET"
The Phillips translation continues (verse 3): "We all lived like
that in the past, and followed the impulses and imaginations of our evil nature
... like everyone else." This "nature" has been acquired from Satan. It was not
inherited from our parents. It was not created in us by God. That which has
become habitual and therefore natural becomes a NATURE within us.
nature IS NOT hereditary, but an acquired characteristic. This very passage
shows the AUTHOR of this "nature" to be Satan, NOT GOD. The next words in the
Phillips translation are: "being under the wrath of God by nature." It would
make no sense at all for God's wrath to be on us BECAUSE OF WHAT GOD PUT WITHIN
US. Adam was NOT created with this "EVIL nature." Adam acquired it from Satan.
Lucifer (Satan) was created PERFECT. He acquired it by false reasoning. These
Ephesians, in their generation, had acquired it from Satan. But now, IN CHRIST,
through His grace, Christ had given them LIFE, who were spiritually dead because
of this acquired evil nature.
Effect on Converted Christians
But how about the converted Christian? His spirit, like all others, is
tuned on Satan's wavelength. The same tendency, just as if this evil nature were
inherent in him from birth, is present. Satan has been injecting it since early
childhood. But the true Christian has repented of that attitude and WAY. He has
REJECTED it. He has turned from it. He has accepted and turned to GOD'S attitude
-- the way of GOD'S GOVERNMENT!
The passage in Ephesians 2 explains it.
People generally, in the world, are spiritually dead. They have gone along with
the rest of the world in the self-centered way. As the Phillips translation
renders it, they have "drifted along on the stream of this world's way of
living." They have "obeyed its UNSEEN ruler [who is still operating in those who
do not respond to the truth of God]."
I have quoted from the Phillips
translation, not because it is a more accurate or dependable translation, but
because it brought out the meaning more clearly in this particular passage.
Conversion does not disconnect Satan's wavelength. The tendency to
become resentful over real or fancied wrongs or injustices from others, the
tendency to try to get the best of others, may still prove a temptation. THESE
are the things the converted Christian must strive to overcome!
Jesus spoke of OVERCOMING, He referred to overcoming these attitudes and WAYS of
Satan, which are contrary to GOD'S way. The Christian must, as Peter was
inspired to write, GROW in grace and in the Knowledge of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ -- be a spiritual student.
We read in James 4: "Submit
yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." This
is speaking of resisting these very self-centered thoughts, attitudes,
tendencies, and ways which Satan injected into us from childhood and is
constantly broadcasting and injecting into unsuspecting minds through the spirit
in man.
However, no man is IMPELLED to respond to and obey these
impulses being broadcast by Satan. Satan has no power to FORCE anyone to think
or do wrong. But the unsuspecting automatically do without fully realizing what
is taking place in their minds. They drift along.
Evil Nature
The passage in II Corinthians 4:4 adds clarity to the
entire thesis that this evil spiritual nature in humans has been acquired,
individually by each person, from Satan.
Before I became familiar with
radio, I could not have understood HOW Satan injects this evil attitude into
humans. He is a SUPER POWERFUL spirit being. He was set on a throne as king over
the earth. He himself, by his own reasoning processes, acquired this evil
nature. God did not create it in him (Ezek. 28:15). Though disqualified now to
administer the GOVERNMENT OF GOD over the earth, he must remain here UNTIL his
successor has qualified AND been inducted into office. There is a REASON why
Christ has not YET come to take over that office, remove Satan, and restore the
government of God.
Before Jesus Christ could qualify to restore the
GOVERNMENT OF GOD and RULE all nations, He had to withstand Satan's most severe
temptation. You'll read of that supreme struggle in the 4th chapter of Matthew.
Jesus had to -- in human flesh -- reject Satan's way and teach and prove
OBEDIENT to the GOVERNMENT OF GOD -- so He can RESTORE it on earth!
was immediately after that -- after Christ QUALIFIED to restore the GOVERNMENT
OF GOD to earth -- that Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the
KINGDOM OF GOD, and saying, "The time is fulfilled" (Mark 1:1,14-15). It was
never fulfilled until that titanic struggle in which Jesus resisted Satan,
conquered him, and showed His MASTERY over him.
Now notice something you
probably never realized before:
I have said repeatedly THIS IS NOT THE
TIME GOD IS TRYING TO CONVERT THE WHOLE WORLD. He is calling only a comparative
VERY FEW, now.
WHY? WHY does not God call everyone on earth NOW?
Are those of us called NOW getting a real SPECIAL deal?
THINK OF THIS: We, now called, must resist Satan, who will PULL OUT ALL STOPS to
attack and DESTROY those of us called Now!
All others are drifting along
SATAN'S WAY ANYWAY. Sure, he broadcasts to sway everyone to his SELF-centered
way, contrary to GOD'S WAY. But he has the whole world already going his way.
But those of us who have turned from his way are fighting to OVERCOME his way,
and turning to GOD'S way -- the WAY of God's GOVERNMENT -- are the ones Satan
HATES. He seeks specially to destroy us! Without God's protection and
restraining power over Satan, we could never make it!
We Must
Withstand Satan
Few, even among professing converted Christians,
realize the vital and SUPREME NEED to be conscious and constantly aware of
Satan's efforts to get to US, who already have turned from Satan's way and to
Few actively heed what God, through
Paul, said later to the Ephesians: "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord,
and in the power of his might. Payout on the whole armor of God, that ye may be
able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh
and blood, but against principalities, against POWERS, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness [wicked SPIRITS] in HIGH
PLACES" (Eph. 6:10-12).
There is a reason WHY God allows those
predestinated to be called NOW to have to withstand Satan and his REBELLION
It is necessary -- in order for us to
QUALIFY to become rulers (under Christ) in the KINGDOM OF GOD -- that we NOT
ONLY reject Satan's false way but strive against it until we OVERCOME IT,
relying all the while on GOD for the power to do so.
As we, from
earliest childhood growing up, acquired Satan's nature, so, through conversion
and the struggle of OVERCOMING, we rid ourselves of it. We ACQUIRE, instead, the
Pet. 1:4). We most certainly were not born with it.
So, Lucifer ACQUIRED
that Satanic nature by his own reasoning and choice. Humans have ACQUIRED
Satan's nature from childhood and call it "human nature." But converted
Christians, who reject Satan's way and OVERCOME it, turning to GOD'S WAY, BECOME
was necessary that we first know and totally REJECT Satan's way and accept GOD'S
When God does set out to CALL EVERY HUMAN ON EARTH to
spiritual salvation, Satan will be BOUND a thousand years, unable to broadcast
his impulses and attitudes. The world will be at PEACE! Those called then will
not have to battle what we do now.
But why? There has to be a reason!
Qualify to Rule
To those of us being called, now,
Jesus said: "And he that overcometh [Satan and his own self], and keepeth my
works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: and he shall rule
them with a rod of iron ..." (Rev. 2:26-27).
When Christ comes to RULE,
as the KING of kings and LORD of lords, we who are called now will rule with and
under Him, as He restores the GOVERNMENT OF GOD to this earth.
again: "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as
I also overcame, and am set down with my father in his throne" (Rev. 3:21).
Those who shall reign WITH Christ, when He comes to restore the GOVERNMENT OF
GOD, MUST OVERCOME (and that includes overcoming SATAN), EVEN AS JESUS DID!
Now does this apply equally to those who shall be converted after Christ
comes, during the millennium?
The answer is NO! These two quotations
(above) are found in Jesus' message to the seven CHURCHES that span this CHURCH
AGE! They do NOT apply to those called later! Do they apply only to the era of
Thyatira and Laodicea? No, they apply to ALL the church age. These seven
messages DO apply to seven successive church eras. BUT they also apply to the
WHOLE CHURCH through ALL eras. In other words, the Ephesus characteristics
DOMINATED in the first era, and the Laodicean will dominate in the last, but
SOME of these characteristics are found in EVERY era. The messages apply to the
WHOLE church (and so I have said and written for over 50 years) but certain
characteristics predominate in the various eras.
THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD on earth and set up the KINGDOM OF GOD. Jesus had to
resist and overcome the temptations -- very special ones -- of SATAN. Are WE to
rule without any such qualifications? Of course not! Those who are to rule with
and under Christ when He restores the GOVERNMENT to the earth MUST QUALIFY --
must turn FROM Satan's WAY TO GOD'S WAY, that is, to the GOVERNMENT OF GOD. We
must root out -- root and branch -- Satan's ATTITUDE and WAY, and so thoroughly
that we shall make it IMPOSSIBLE ever to turn again to Satan's way -- IMPOSSIBLE
TO SIN (I John 3:9).
Those called to spiritual salvation after Christ
comes will not have to battle Satan.
God's Government
Notice, Matthew 25 and Revelation 20:
Matthew 25, beginning verse 31: "When the Son of man shall come in his glory,
and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his
glory." Christ is coming in all the supreme POWER and GLORY of the Creator GOD!
He is coming to RESTORE THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD over the WHOLE EARTH -- over ALL
NATIONS! One SUPER WORLD GOVERNMENT! He will restore the throne of David at
Continue: "And before him shall be gathered all nations"
(verse 32). He is coming to RULE the WORLD -- to RESTORE the GOVERNMENT OF GOD!
Every government is founded on a basic LAW.
The law of God is unlike any
man-made law of any human government. It is a SPIRITUAL law (Rom. 7:14). Unlike
man-made government laws, it regulates not alone deeds, doing, BUT attitudes
toward God and man that lead to WAYS or ACTIONS. And it is a HOLY law (Rom.
7:12). It is A WAY OF LIFE -- God's way! When people are governed in that
attitude and way of life, there will be PEACE, HAPPINESS, JOY, ABUNDANCE!
But that basic LAW of the GOVERNMENT OF GOD is also the law of the
Christian WAY of life. Sin (spiritually) is the transgression of that law (I
John 3:4).
Christ is coming also to call ALL PEOPLE to spiritual
salvation and eternal life. That is when God will seek to spiritually save THE
Continue: "And he shall separate them
one from another, as a shepherd divideth the sheep from the goats: and he shall
set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the king
say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the
kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matt. 25:32-34).
The nations before the king on his throne are the nations of this world.
Those called to salvation during the church age and previously (prophets, etc.),
will have been resurrected to meet Christ in the air, as He descends to earth on
His return (I Thes. 4:16-17). They will be ruling with Christ, already being
immortal, composed of spirit (Rev. 2:26-27; 3:21; 5:10). They, with Christ, will
compose the Kingdom of God.
Government and Kingdom
is necessary, here, to explain the difference between the GOVERNMENT OF GOD and
the KINGDOM OF GOD. The GOVERNMENT of God was established on earth IN
But the KINGDOM of God is BOTH the
GOVERNMENT of God and the FAMILY of God. Those now being saved spiritually will,
in the resurrection, INHERIT the Kingdom of God. They shall have been BORN of
God -- born into the divine FAMILY of God. They shall be married to Christ. Of
this divine spiritual marriage will be begotten and born spiritually children of
God all during the thousand years commencing with Christ's return to earth as
Now let's notice the 20th chapter of Revelation:
apostle John is recording what he saw in vision: "And I saw an angel come down
from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil, and Satan,
and bound him a thousand years" (Rev. 20:1-2).
When Christ comes again
to earth in supreme POWER and GLORY, He shall already have been crowned with
many crowns. The coronation ceremony will have taken place in heaven (throne of
God the Father) before His return. Christ then shall have been qualified AND
inducted into office. I have said before, Satan must remain on earth swaying the
nations his way UNTIL Christ, the successor, has both qualified AND been
inducted into office.
Immediately on Christ's return, Satan shall be
Continue: "And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up,
and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the
thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little
season" (verse 3).
Those resurrected then shall reign over all nations
with Christ -- and a thousand years of PEACE on earth will ensue.
Imagine what it shall be like with Christ and resurrected saints forming
the KINGDOM OF GOD, ruling with the GOVERNMENT OF GOD over all living humans who
shall be left alive. Satan will be restrained from broadcasting. Christ will be
ruling with God's way of life.
Satan Loosed
But now
notice! Verse 7: "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed
out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four
quarters of the earth ... to gather them together to battle: the number of whom
is as the sand of the sea" (verses 7-8).
Grasp it! These are people at
PEACE! They have not been inoculated with the satanic NATURE we now call "human
nature." They shall have been living happily in PERFECT PEACE. Now Satan once
more BROADCASTS. Remember these nations are HUMAN. Satan is INVISIBLE to them.
But notice the CHANGE come over them as soon as Satan is loosed and able again
to sway humanity:
Verse 9: "And they [the human nations] went up on the
breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the
beloved city ...." Immediately "Human Nature" shall have entered into them!
Immediately they shall have been filled with envy and jealousy against the
saints of God, filled with wrath and violence! But God will not allow them to
destroy. They shall have been told -- have been warned about Satan. "... And
fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. And the devil that
deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone ... and shall be
tormented day and night for ever and ever."
Great White Throne
After this shall occur the "Great White Throne
Judgment" -- the resurrection of all humanity from the time of Adam to Christ's
coming who had not been in the first resurrection or called by God. In this
judgment is to be "the book of life," meaning many, perhaps most, shall then
find spiritual salvation and eternal life. In the time of their judgment, Satan
will be GONE!
Up to now, God has called VERY FEW to spiritual salvation,
contrary to general tradition and opinion in the "Christian" world!
Adam to Noah we have the record of only Abel, Enoch, and Noah -- some 1,900
years! From Noah to Christ, there was Abraham, Lot, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph,
prior to calling the children of Israel out of Egypt. God NEVER offered
spiritual salvation (eternal life) to the Old Testament nation of Israel, but
only to the prophets and those called to SPECIAL DUTY.
From Adam to
Christ, NONE were called to spiritual salvation except those called to perform a
From Christ to now, only a VERY MINUTE PORTION of
humanity has been called, and they for the SPECIAL MISSION of THE GREAT
COMMISSION -- "GO ye therefore and TEACH (Matt. 28:19) those who are to be
RULERS and TEACHERS (Rev. 5:10) in the Millennium.
We who have been
called in this "church age" have been called to qualify as rulers with and under
Christ in the Kingdom of God, restoring the GOVERNMENT OF GOD; in other words,
to develop the holy, righteous CHARACTER of God. But OUR PART in the GREAT
COMMISSION is the assignment God has given as the means of preparing us for
rulership with and under Christ when He comes -- and that is now soon!
Little Children and Human Nature
This booklet began
with the question of whether this evil "human nature" is born in a sweet tiny
baby. Let me now, before I conclude, quote three passages from the Bible.
"And they brought unto him [Jesus] also infants, that he would touch
them .... Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come
unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God" (Luke
18:15-16). The evil nature which some erroneously have supposed was born in
babies is the nature of Satan's kingdom, but "of such" -- these babies -- is the
Kingdom of GOD.
"At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying,
Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus called a little child
unto him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you,
Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into
the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. 18:1-3).
"Jesus said, Suffer little
children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of
heaven" (Matt. 19:14).
We humans start out at birth all right. But soon
we begin to absorb and ACQUIRE the selfish, self-centered attitude broadcast by
Satan. But Satan's kingdom of angels -- now turned to demons -- rejected the
GOVERNMENT OF GOD, and it was thus removed from earth.
having created and put HUMANS on earth was to develop in them GOD'S own holy and
righteous character. God wants a people who will REJECT and overcome Satan's WAY
OF LIFE and turn to THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD -- which is GOD'S WAY of life.
That GOVERNMENT OF GOD exists at this time on earth only in the one true
Church of God. Satan is angry. He hates it! He subtly tries to inject into minds
under that government of LOVE a hostility that MISrepresents it as a harsh and
cruel government of Satan.
But I repeat, LUCIFER was created by God
"perfect in all his ways, until iniquity was found in him." He acquired the
nature of rebellion and evil by false reasoning. Adam acquired it from Satan.
The Ephesians (Eph. 2:1) acquired it from Satan -- as has all humanity, except
Jesus Christ. But now, IN CHRIST, through His grace, we may ACQUIRE the DIVINE
NATURE (II Pet. 1:4).
OF GOD to this earth, in and through the KINGDOM OF GOD!
We CAN, by
Christ's grace, CHANGE "human nature" and eradicate it entirely from us,
replacing it with the divine nature! .