Worship God -- TOGETHER!
The basis of any society is the home! We are in God's society -- the
Church of God! Perhaps many of us do not realize how vitally important
our homelife is in determining whether we receive eternal life!
by Garner Ted Armstrong
TIME is growing short! God's work is surging ahead, leaping
through newly opened DOORS, taking on new vitality and strength!
That means we are MUCH CLOSER to the second coming of our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ, than many of us have realized!
Problems in the Church
But -- God promises us it is "through MUCH TRIBULATION (that
we must) enter into the kingdom of God! (Acts. 14:22).
There is not an individual reading this article who does not have
major PROBLEMS to overcome! We are seemingly ENCIRCLED by worries,
frustrations, financial problems, upset conditions in the home, a lack of
Bible study and prayer -- problems, PROBLEMS, PROBLEMS!
It is NOT WRONG TO HAVE problems -- but it is decidedly wrong to
KEEP them!
These problems, however large or small, are NECESSARY as a part
of our TRAINING -- to prepare us for positions in the kingdom of God!
"Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, you are
in heaviness through manifold temptations. That the TRIAL OF YOUR FAITH,
being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire
(type of severe tribulation) might be found unto praise and honor and glory at
the appearing of Jesus Christ" (I Pet. 1:6-7).
Why a Church?
As we have shown in past articles, the Church is the INSTRUMENT
in God's hands for the carrying out of His plan! The Church has the
great commission which is two-fold: to preach the gospel of the kingdom as a
witness to all nations; and to FEED THE FLOCK!
But even MORE than this, the Church teaches us HOW to meet and to
solve PROBLEMS -- how to be OVERCOMERS, as a UNIT. It teaches us how to
Notice Jesus illustrated there is a FAMILY RELATIONSHIP among the
brethren! "Who is my mother? And who are my brethren?
And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, 'Behold my
mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER
which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother'"
(Matt. 12:48-50).
The apostle Paul concentrated A GREAT DEAL on family relationship
among the brethren in the Church! "Rebuke not an elder, but entreat him
as a FATHER; and the younger men as brethren; the elder women as MOTHERS; the
younger as sisters, with all purity" (I Tim. 5:1-2).
In this family-like unit, the body of Jesus Christ, God has set a
certain chain of command!
Why Ministers?
God answers this question very emphatically!
"But now hath GOD set the members every one of them in the
body, AS IT HATH PLEASED HIM!" (I Cor. 12:18). In this chapter of
First Corinthians, Almighty God explained through the apostle Paul how the
WHY has God set these members so in the body? "That
there should be no SCHISM in the body; but that the members should have the
same care one for another" (vs. 25). To keep HARMONY, UNITY, PEACE
-- and for united GROWTH! God says we NEED this organization -- this
ministry, for the EDIFYING of the body of Christ, TILL we all come in the
unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect
(mature) man,
unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Eph.
The CHURCH is our training ground -- as a large, collective UNIT
-- knit together in ties of deep FAMILY love and fellowship -- so that we may
eventually be born into the biggest family that will ever exist -- the FAMILY
Family Training
Hundreds of the brethren in God's Church, having gone along with
the WAY OF THE WORLD, are now trying to really CHANGE their lives, and to
fashion them according to God's divinely revealed pattern!
The FAMILY -- and our relationship as individual family members
in our own homes -- is the greatest PERSONAL TRAINING GROUND God has given us
for gaining entrance into His kingdom!
Just as God has set offices within His CHURCH, as a large
FAMILY-GROUP, SO He has set offices in our own PRIVATE HOMES!
It is not the purpose of this article to EXPLAIN those offices -- as that has
been thoroughly explained in the past. If any of you brethren have not
as yet read the article "How to Have a Happy Marriage," then write
in for it immediately!
How often do YOUR CHILDREN disobey? How often do YOU have
differences with your mate? How many times during the course of a week
are there PROBLEMS within your own family?
Of course, there are many in God's true Church who have not
received the wonderful blessing of God of having their entire family in God's
Church. For THESE, many of whom have had to put away a mate to whom they
realized they were not truly married, others who have had to be separated
because of religious bigotry and antagonism on the part of a carnal minded
mate, or others through different circumstances who cannot enjoy this FAMILY
For those of us who DO have families, here is a real CHALLENGE!
It has been clearly PROVED there ought to be government in the
home! It has been clearly set forth as an authoritative command from the
voice of Almighty God Himself, that the husband is to be OVER the wife, and
the parents together OVER the children, and that there should be loving, kind,
considerate GOVERNMENT in the home!
But many have not known HOW! Oftentimes, a newly converted
husband, suddenly realizing he has let the reins of the leadership of the
family slip from his grasp, has tried to take them back by means of harsh,
unreasoning, blind, dictatorial rulership! Many have, in their zeal of
new-found truth, acted UNWISELY, and brought upon themselves undue religious
Sometimes parents, realizing they should begin to really WORK at
training and teaching their children, have gone to the opposite extreme, and
begun to BEAT their children -- showing them anger, harshness, and
"lording it over them" rather than teaching them FIRMLY, but
patiently, lovingly, and with great understanding and wisdom!
And so -- because I know many hundreds of you sincerely WANT to
grow in additional grace and knowledge, and to have your families KNIT
TOGETHER in bonds of love, mutual respect and harmony, HERE is what you can do
about it!
Family Worship
Recently, in a sermon given here before the local congregation at
the Headquarters Church, I outlined a positive step which I recommended the
members of the Headquarters Church begin to do IMMEDIATELY. I have since
heard from many sources that certainly the broad majority, if not all, HAVE
That is -- to begin a morning FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR -- and to make
it a daily HABIT!
As a boy, I remember how my father would sit down with the whole
family, open the Bible, and begin to expound and explain certain portions.
Usually, the scriptures or the discussion would have to do with certain
problems of the week, individual circumstances of the past few days, or a
challenge to be met on that particular day. We would then all kneel,
and, beginning with my father, and then on down to me, at the "tail
end" because I was the youngest, we would all pray for a very few minutes
aloud. This did not, I know, in any way SUBSTITUTE for the daily prayer
of my father and mother!
Rather, it was an ADDITIONAL time of prayer when the WHOLE FAMILY
could get together in harmony, and with the proper kind of government, and
draw closer to one another and to God!
I want to EXHORT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU to begin to have a
morning family worship period! Or, some other SET TIME of day if that is
better. If you are married, but do not have children -- DO IT ANYHOW!
If you are not married, do it BY YOURSELF! If you are separated or
divorced, DO IT ANYHOW!
If God has not provided the great BLESSING of having your whole
family in God's Church -- then have your OWN morning worship hour, even in
Here's How!
Parents should select certain scriptures -- and begin a regular
series -- so the children will know what to expect. My wife and I have
begun in the book of Proverbs, and I have since found that others have also
selected this book. From others, I have heard they have begun in Psalms,
or one of the gospels, or back in the book of Joshua or Judges. Whatever
seems to be best in your particular case for the WHOLE FAMILY -- that is your
decision! But the father and mother should select a certain portion of
the Bible as a starting point. Then, even if you have to arrange to get
up a few minutes earlier each morning, the whole family should be seated in
the living room, or some other place, and the children be taught to sit
quietly and attentively while the father opens the Bible and expounds and
explains a few passages.
Perhaps you will have time for only ONE PROVERB! The reason
I chose Proverbs is because it is literally FILLED with admonitions about
growing in understanding, wisdom, fear of God, and myriad scriptures on the
obedience required of children.
The father should read the scripture, then rephrase it, expound
it, enlarge upon it, explain it, put it in simple, easy-to-understand terms,
give down-to-earth everyday EXAMPLES of these principles IN ACTION, so your
children will be sure to understand. Ask them QUESTIONS about it, have
them repeat the principles back to you.
The mother should add her bit now and then, helping the children
to understand.
Remember, this should be done in perfect HARMONY! The
father should lead, the mother follow second, and the children maintain their
place as God has intended!
Then, all should kneel, and the father begin a very brief oral
prayer. He should mention the challenges of that particular day, the
need of God's work, and especially pray about those things pertaining to his
own personal FAMILY! The mother should then follow his lead, adding
whatever points she has thought of. The children, then, should be
encouraged to pray -- and perhaps their parents will even have to add certain
words or remind them of things DURING THE PRAYER -- TO TEACH THEM TO PRAY!
Jesus TAUGHT His Disciples to pray!
This does not have to be a literal HOUR in length! Usually,
a family will not have this much time! But, depending upon the size of
the family, it CERTAINLY should NEVER go less than fifteen minutes! For
a family of three to five, about fifteen to thirty minutes would seem to be a
good average.
Don't Let Circumstances Intervene!
Every temptation on the face of this earth will come to try to
keep you from doing this! The telephone will ring, friends will come,
emergencies will arise, you will over-sleep, or SOMETHING will happen!
That is Satan's way of trying to lead us off, and trying to get us to
"slip up" on such a practice!
I KNOW that if every single person in God's Church begins to do
this, as a DAILY OCCURRENCE, this whole Church will begin to grow -- TOGETHER
-- much more rapidly!
Again, let me restate, I do not mean this should SUBSTITUTE for
your earnest, daily prayer! You should do your own personal praying in
PRIVATE, just with God and Christ alone! However, for just a few minutes
each morning, you should have this daily ORAL prayer as a help to your whole
Your family will begin to be happier! The husband and wife
will begin to recognize more fully their individual responsibilities!
The children will become more attentive, more obedient! All of these
things will not happen in two days, or even two months! But THEY WILL
HAPPEN -- IF YOU WILL DO as I very strongly exhort!
Your Responsibility to Your Children
Brethren, think for a moment! Our little children, more
than any other children on the face of the earth, are going to have to
shoulder tremendous responsibilities in the beginning of the millennium!
THEY are going to be the "young adults" who, in the
PHYSICAL REALM, will have to LEAD THE WORLD! The KIND of world
leadership under the great family of God that is done THEN, will depend
Their CHARACTER, and, for that matter, WHETHER they will be in
the beginning of the millennium, depends on YOU -- RIGHT NOW! THEY are your
FRUIT -- and YOU are KNOWN by your fruit! THEIR character is in your
Teach your children a sense of PROPRIETY! Teach them
OBEDIENCE! Teach them to do exactly WHAT they are told to do -- exactly
WHEN they are told to do it! Teach them to follow detailed, careful
instructions! Teach them the meaning of love, of respect for authority,
of deference to their elders, HOW TO LEARN!
Any of you families who are blessed enough to have your children
in one of our Imperial schools -- remember to teach your child, above all
else, HOW TO SIT STILL, and how to PAY ATTENTION -- how to LEARN!
It is amazing how few children at the age of six have ever been
taught, in all their lives, how to merely SIT STILL for just a few minutes at
a time!
A young child entering the first grade, at age six, who has never
had to sit still for even a few minutes -- learned to fold his hands and pay
attention to his elders -- is going to be an unruly, rebellious,
difficult-to-manage child in school!
All of a sudden, he will be thrown together with a number of
other children his own age, and told to sit still in a chair for SEVERAL HOURS
A DAY! If he has not been previously TAUGHT to do this, AT HOME, he
cannot be expected to do it in school!
These are just A FEW of the principles to be considered!
But they are important ones!
Don't Put It Off!
Finally, DON'T just lay this article down, or read another
article, or roll over and go to sleep -- and then arise in the morning having
FORGOTTEN ALL ABOUT IT! To PUT OFF this morning worship hour, or to
become sidetracked, and to drop it off after you have once begun, will be one
of the biggest mistakes of your life!
Decide -- RIGHT NOW -- that you are going to DO this yet TODAY --
As the apostle Paul exhorted Timothy, SO I EXHORT YOU:
"Follow after righteousness, Godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
Fight the good fight of faith, LAY HOLD ON ETERNAL LIFE, whereunto thou art
also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
I GIVE THEE CHARGE in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before
Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession; that thou
KEEP this COMMANDMENT without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our
Lord Jesus Christ!" (I Tim. 6:11-14). Do it RIGHT AWAY -- you'll
always be glad you did!